Saturday, April 22, 2023

Frontline: Living In The Age of AI - How Automation and Artificial Intelligence Are Shaping Our Future


In recent years, we have witnessed unprecedented advancements in artificial intelligence and automation, transforming various aspects of our lives, from how we work to how we interact with technology. While these technological advancements hold immense potential for improving efficiency and productivity, they also raise concerns about their impact on employment, privacy, and social inequality.

Google's AlphaGo, which learned itself the intricate movements of the ancient Chinese game "Go," is one impressive illustration of AI's powers. It went on to upset the world champion in four of five games. This accomplishment demonstrates how AI is outperforming human intelligence and expanding the realm of what is feasible.

Automation has been a quiet job killer, reducing employment prospects, lowering living standards, escalating poverty, and increasing homelessness. However, worries regarding job displacement have also arisen due to automation's quick ascent. AI is being used by businesses like Fanuc Robotics to boost production, but doing so has resulted in fewer job prospects for workers. Studies indicate that parents who lose their jobs are more likely to have mental health problems, including depression and suicidal thoughts; thus, this has a specific impact on them. Additionally, children of workers who have experienced job loss due to automation are more likely to leave school early, be suspended, or be held back a grade, which can have long-term social and economic repercussions.

The automation of AI has a disproportionately negative impact on female workers. According to studies, women are more likely than men to lose their employment to automation, which will worsen gender imbalance in the workforce. This restricts women's ability to participate fully in the work market.

The deterioration of privacy is another worrying feature of AI's expanding influence. Because it can be used by bad actors for nefarious reasons, the extreme specificity of data collected through AI-powered technology may damage our privacy and security. Vast volumes of specific data are being gathered through algorithms in free goods and services, which raises questions about how they will be utilized and the possibility of misuse.

Misuse of AI, including challenges to democracy, human rights, and social cohesiveness, raises severe ethical and societal issues. Furthermore, even if AI is intended to be a utility, it can be misused for opposing ends in the wrong hands. Examples include deep fake technology, disinformation campaigns, and spying.

There have been initiatives to control the gathering and use of data through privacy legislation in response to these difficulties. For instance, California has passed legislation enabling people to view the information gathered about them and decide whether to object to its sale. However, the usefulness of these rules in protecting privacy in the era of AI is still up for debate. AI can also safeguard our data by developing more effective techniques to ensure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Since AI's resilience grows daily, it will also be a valuable tool in national security initiatives.

Moreover, the rise of machines and automation has also raised questions about our control and agency over these technologies. Instances of machines acting out, making decisions without human intervention, and showcasing unexpected behavior highlight that we are not always in charge and that the full implications of AI and automation are yet to be understood.

Although technology has typically improved our lives, there is currently some doubt whether this will continue. As a result, while the age of AI and automation has enormous potential to positively impact society, it has also brought up several pressing issues that must be resolved. AI's effects on employment, privacy, inequality, and human agency require rigorous regulation and deliberate deliberation. It is critical to put ethical concerns first, defend worker rights, preserve privacy, and ensure AI is a force for good in our society as we negotiate the opportunities and challenges of living in the age of AI.

You can watch the video this article was based on here: 

In the Age of AI | FRONTLINE 

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