Monday, April 17, 2023

EOTO Reaction #1


Twitter is a popular media platform that launched back in 2006. For some Twitter has become a go-to platform for sharing their opinions about news and entertainment. Twitter is also widely known for being a subject in the frequent topic of breaching individual privacy. As well as it being recently bought out by, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk

Here are some facts I learned about Twitter that some people may not know about:

1. The first tweet on Twitter was sent by Twitter's co-founder Jack Dorsey on March 21. 2006. All the tweet said was "just setting up my twttr." and since then, with the growth of Twitter, millions of tweets are being sent per minute.

2. The main idea of it being called a tweet is that it isn't supposed the contain that many words in it. The original character limit for a tweet was 140 until it was doubled to 280 in 2017. Even with this change the average tweet is still less than 30 characters.

3. Twitter was the first social media platform to popularize the use of hashtags. The first hashtag ever used on Twitter was a tweet from Chris Messina in 2007, which was #barcamp.

4. Twitter uses an algorithm that allocates what is frequently being looked at by users to find out what it trending. Once it does this it adds the trending item, along with any hashtags that represent this item to the trending tab. 

5. Twitter also uses a follower system that allows you to be notified when someone you are following tweets out something new. Many famous celebrities, politicians, and sports players use this to put out information and share their opinion. The most popular twitter account is former president Barack Obama with over 133 million followers. 

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