Thursday, April 27, 2023

    Our relationship with technology is complex and ever-changing, and evaluating how we interact with it regularly is essential. When it comes to my personal relationship with technology, it's moderately healthy. I use my phone for entertainment, such as playing games and watching videos, but I also rely on it for schoolwork and other essential tasks, such as banking and staying in contact with my family and friends.

    However, I do worry that I may be giving technology too much time and attention. For instance, I have spent over 1,000 hours on certain video games, a considerable amount of time spent doing something that isn't very productive. But recently, I've realized the importance of talking to my friends and family more, and I'm making an effort to prioritize these interactions.

    One of the concerns about technology is whether it's informing us and making us smarter or giving us unreliable information. In my experience, it has made me smarter by providing access to vast knowledge and resources. However, I'm also aware that not all information available online is trustworthy, so it's crucial to approach it with caution. Fake news and fake article titles catch people off guard frequently.

    Technology plays a significant role in my relationships, both positive and negative. I have online friends who I keep in touch with through social media and online gaming, which has been an excellent way to stay connected with them despite living far away. We have group chats where we share funny jokes and memes; it's a perfect way to feel encouraged.

Image of me from Google
    When it comes to my online footprint, I don't have a substantial online presence. If an employer were to search for me online, they would likely come across my LinkedIn profile, which would impress them. However, I know the importance of maintaining

a positive online presence and editing
any potentially harmful or inappropriate content. I typically ensure I don't post anything stupid that could be taken incorrectly.

   To conclude, our relationship with technology is complex, and it's crucial to evaluate it regularly. While I believe that my relationship with technology is moderately healthy, I'm also aware of the potential risks and negative aspects. By maintaining a healthy balance, approaching online information with caution, and being mindful of the impact of technology on our relationships, we can ensure that technology has a positive impact on our lives.

This blog post was written based on a few questions from an assignment; I recommend you take a look at these questions and try answering them yourself:

-Do you think your relationship with technology is healthy? Why or why not? Are you giving technology the appropriate amount of time in your life, or is technology taking too much time? Is technology informing you and making you more intelligent, or do you think the technology might be misleading and giving you unreliable information? Do you ever worry about these things, or do you think it's just an accepted part of our society?

-What about your friends and family? Do you think that technology is a positive part of their lives? How does technology play a role in your relationships? Good and bad.

-What is your online footprint? If you were applying for a job today, your prospective employer would first go online and find out as much as she or he could. What would they find? How much of an online presence do you have? Google yourself — that's the first thing they will do! What comes up? What kind of image does it paint? Is there anything you should edit out of your online presence?

EOTO Reaction #2


    We have instant access to a wealth of knowledge in the modern digital world. The mainstream media, which includes news outlets, newspapers, blogs, and radio shows, significantly impacts how we perceive the outside world. I'll be zeroing in on the term mainstream media and weighing its advantages and disadvantages in this blog post.

    Let's start by looking at the advantages. The ability of mainstream media to reach a global audience is one of its most important assets. People worldwide have access to news channels, publications, and online content, enabling them to stay current on recent events and developments. Furthermore, a variety of themes, such as politics, sports, entertainment, and business, are covered by mainstream media. No matter your hobbies, thanks to this diversity, there is something for everyone.

    The ease of access via various platforms is another benefit of mainstream media. There is a platform that suits your interests, whether you want to read the newspaper, watch the news on TV, or peruse internet articles on your smartphone. No matter where they are or what they are doing, it is now tremendously convenient for individuals to stay updated on the newest events.

The mainstream media does have some significant flaws, though. Censorship is one of the biggest issues. Certain information might be limited or banned where you reside. When it comes to news and current events, this can be particularly problematic. Governments may censor the news to keep the public from learning about anything that could harm their reputation or contradict their policies. This may result in a lack of accountability and transparency, two critical components of a democratic society.

The veracity of the news and information reported by mainstream media is another issue. Unfortunately, not all news organizations or publications adhere to the same standards of objectivity. News networks can be used to disseminate false information and display prejudice. This can be particularly problematic during elections
or other contentious occasions when the mainstream media may present the news to favor one side over the other. People might need a more complete and accurate picture of what is happening.

In conclusion, there are benefits and drawbacks to mainstream media. Although technology is a very effective tool for informing people about current affairs and advancements, it may also be censored, propagate false information, and present a skewed perspective on the world. We, as media consumers, must be aware of these restrictions and, when appropriate, seek out alternative sources of information.

The Overton Window: A Tool For Shaping Public Discourse

    On the plus side, the Overton Window can encourage constructive debate and the emergence of fresh perspectives by broadening the universe of acceptable policy alternatives. This may result in creative and practical answers to societal issues. But the Overton Window can also have a sizable unfavorable effect. If they enter the popular conversation, it can result in the normalizing of dangerous or extremist ideas. Additionally, it might hinder opportunities for cooperation or compromise by fostering political polarization and entrenching ideological stances.

    The spectrum of concepts seen as acceptable or taboo in a particular society is called the Overton Window. The Overton Window can have both beneficial and harmful effects on society. It significantly impacts the policies that the public, the media, and legislators deem to be workable, making it a potent tool for influencing public debate. It can also limit the possibility of social progress and prolong inequality.

    The Overton Window's effects vary based on a person's social identity and rank. Because their perspectives may not be represented in the dominant discourse, marginalized groups may have a more constrained range of viable policy options. Similarly, the Overton Window might represent the opinions of elite or dominant groups, which might not represent the needs or experiences of oppressed people. As a result, the Overton Window may prevent societal change from happening and prolong inequality.

    Some people who identify with disadvantaged groups could feel shut out of the mainstream conversation and struggle to be heard. If one's opinions diverge from the dominant discourse, one may stigmatize or marginalize those with more radical or unusual beliefs. The Overton Window can affect people's feelings of agency, affiliation, and political effectiveness.

    It is crucial to understand the Overton Window's influence and how it affects public conversation. To ensure that underrepresented communities' perspectives are heard, and all communities are represented in policy options, policymakers, the media, and the public must collaborate. Instead of fostering inequality and stifling the possibility of social change, the Overton Window should be used as a tool to encourage constructive discussion and innovation. In the end, it is up to each person to evaluate the ideas put out critically and question the existing quo if needed.

    Talking to people who have diverse opinions and engaging in polite conversation are two ways to combat the Overton Window. This can increase the variety of views that are viewed as acceptable and the possibility of social transformation. Additionally, it's critical to acknowledge the media and other influential figures' influence on the Overton Window and hold them accountable for advancing inclusive and diverse viewpoints.

    People can advocate for more inclusive and fair policies by using their platforms, whether on social media or in their personal and professional lives. Supporting oppressed communities in their efforts to be heard, increasing diversity and representation in decision-making positions, and campaigning for laws that address systemic injustices are a few examples of how to do this.

    The Overton Window can be an effective instrument for influencing public debate and policy choices. Still, it can also have unfavorable effects on society by sustaining inequality and limiting the possibility of social progress. The responsibility for pushing policies inclusive of all communities and extending the variety of good ideas rests with individuals, communities, and powerful actors. We can build a more just and equitable society by questioning the status quo and advocating for diversity and justice.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Frontline: Living In The Age of AI - How Automation and Artificial Intelligence Are Shaping Our Future


In recent years, we have witnessed unprecedented advancements in artificial intelligence and automation, transforming various aspects of our lives, from how we work to how we interact with technology. While these technological advancements hold immense potential for improving efficiency and productivity, they also raise concerns about their impact on employment, privacy, and social inequality.

Google's AlphaGo, which learned itself the intricate movements of the ancient Chinese game "Go," is one impressive illustration of AI's powers. It went on to upset the world champion in four of five games. This accomplishment demonstrates how AI is outperforming human intelligence and expanding the realm of what is feasible.

Automation has been a quiet job killer, reducing employment prospects, lowering living standards, escalating poverty, and increasing homelessness. However, worries regarding job displacement have also arisen due to automation's quick ascent. AI is being used by businesses like Fanuc Robotics to boost production, but doing so has resulted in fewer job prospects for workers. Studies indicate that parents who lose their jobs are more likely to have mental health problems, including depression and suicidal thoughts; thus, this has a specific impact on them. Additionally, children of workers who have experienced job loss due to automation are more likely to leave school early, be suspended, or be held back a grade, which can have long-term social and economic repercussions.

The automation of AI has a disproportionately negative impact on female workers. According to studies, women are more likely than men to lose their employment to automation, which will worsen gender imbalance in the workforce. This restricts women's ability to participate fully in the work market.

The deterioration of privacy is another worrying feature of AI's expanding influence. Because it can be used by bad actors for nefarious reasons, the extreme specificity of data collected through AI-powered technology may damage our privacy and security. Vast volumes of specific data are being gathered through algorithms in free goods and services, which raises questions about how they will be utilized and the possibility of misuse.

Misuse of AI, including challenges to democracy, human rights, and social cohesiveness, raises severe ethical and societal issues. Furthermore, even if AI is intended to be a utility, it can be misused for opposing ends in the wrong hands. Examples include deep fake technology, disinformation campaigns, and spying.

There have been initiatives to control the gathering and use of data through privacy legislation in response to these difficulties. For instance, California has passed legislation enabling people to view the information gathered about them and decide whether to object to its sale. However, the usefulness of these rules in protecting privacy in the era of AI is still up for debate. AI can also safeguard our data by developing more effective techniques to ensure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Since AI's resilience grows daily, it will also be a valuable tool in national security initiatives.

Moreover, the rise of machines and automation has also raised questions about our control and agency over these technologies. Instances of machines acting out, making decisions without human intervention, and showcasing unexpected behavior highlight that we are not always in charge and that the full implications of AI and automation are yet to be understood.

Although technology has typically improved our lives, there is currently some doubt whether this will continue. As a result, while the age of AI and automation has enormous potential to positively impact society, it has also brought up several pressing issues that must be resolved. AI's effects on employment, privacy, inequality, and human agency require rigorous regulation and deliberate deliberation. It is critical to put ethical concerns first, defend worker rights, preserve privacy, and ensure AI is a force for good in our society as we negotiate the opportunities and challenges of living in the age of AI.

You can watch the video this article was based on here: 

In the Age of AI | FRONTLINE 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Diffusion of Innovations: Facebook


The Diffusion of Innovation is a theory that was developed by Everett Rogers. It explains how new innovations spread through a population over time and the framework for understanding how these technologies and ideas are adopted and why they are rejected.

The theory organizes the adoption and diffusion of these innovations into five main categories based on how individuals consume these ideas over time. These five main stages are:

1. Innovators: The first people to adopt and support an idea, this being an often risky choice.

2. Early Adopters: These people adopt innovations early on and are often viewed as role models for using these ideas.

3. Early Majority: These individuals are the ones that adopt an idea after they have gathered more information from the early adopters.

4. Late Majority: These are skeptical folk who adopt after the Early Majority and mainly adopt due to social pressure.

5. Laggards: The last people to adopt, typically from resistance to change and adopting when necessary.

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory is still widely used today and can be used for ideas to explain why people adopt and reject new technologies and ideas. For example, it can be applied to common social media apps like Facebook. Facebook was a social media app created by Mark Zuckerberg that was offered as an easy way to connect with people online. Of course, with the emergence of the internet and smartphones, so did Facebook rise. 

The early majority of people learned about Facebook exceptionally fast, which meant some who didn't download Facebook or have access to the internet or a smartphone would be left behind quickly. Although most late adopters and non-adopters may be reluctant due to privacy and data security issues. Plus, like with any other technology, Facebook has its downsides. Users may become addicted, get their accounts hacked, have their data stolen, or even be cyberbullied. All of which would lead to stress and negative mental health. There are also multiple instances of Facebook breaching the privacy of individuals, which to people uninstalling the app altogether. In fact most social media apps look at and gather individuals' data to the point some want them banned.

Yet when looking at such impactful technology like Facebook, you need to weigh the cost-benefit of the service. Undoubtedly, Facebook has connected millions across the globe, allowing the facilitation of  information and providing a social space for people to communicate. Ultimately, the cost-benefit analysis depends on the context and relies on how people use Facebook. Responsible use and critical thinking can help balance the positives and negatives of Facebook and other technology.

EOTO Reaction #1


Twitter is a popular media platform that launched back in 2006. For some Twitter has become a go-to platform for sharing their opinions about news and entertainment. Twitter is also widely known for being a subject in the frequent topic of breaching individual privacy. As well as it being recently bought out by, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk

Here are some facts I learned about Twitter that some people may not know about:

1. The first tweet on Twitter was sent by Twitter's co-founder Jack Dorsey on March 21. 2006. All the tweet said was "just setting up my twttr." and since then, with the growth of Twitter, millions of tweets are being sent per minute.

2. The main idea of it being called a tweet is that it isn't supposed the contain that many words in it. The original character limit for a tweet was 140 until it was doubled to 280 in 2017. Even with this change the average tweet is still less than 30 characters.

3. Twitter was the first social media platform to popularize the use of hashtags. The first hashtag ever used on Twitter was a tweet from Chris Messina in 2007, which was #barcamp.

4. Twitter uses an algorithm that allocates what is frequently being looked at by users to find out what it trending. Once it does this it adds the trending item, along with any hashtags that represent this item to the trending tab. 

5. Twitter also uses a follower system that allows you to be notified when someone you are following tweets out something new. Many famous celebrities, politicians, and sports players use this to put out information and share their opinion. The most popular twitter account is former president Barack Obama with over 133 million followers. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Why We Don't Hear or See Anti-War

I'm sure everyone knows what it means when someone says they're antiwar. Have you heard news sources, websites, newspapers, or other media sources openly discussing the antiwar movement? Most people would answer that question with no, and a lucky few may say yes, but here are a few reasons why so few people ever see these topics discussed by more comprehensive news sources.

First, mainstream news organizations' diverse voices and opinions may be constrained by their corporate ownership, sponsors, and political goals. These elements could pressure people to avoid disagreeing views that threaten the status quo or significant interests.

Second, it's possible that news outlets' coverage of war and foreign policy concerns is not given priority. It might be difficult for tales concerning war and international affairs to get the attention they merit because of the constant stream of breaking news, dramatic stories, and celebrity rumors. This might be a factor in the media's lack of vocal opponents of the war.

Lastly, because they are not as well-known or promoted as mainstream news organizations, alternative news sources like and The American Conservative may be viewed as esoteric. Their impact and reach may be constrained by a lack of funds, resources, and connections.

This wouldn't be the first time our government has censored anti-war voices. They've done so before with the Espionage and Sedition Acts during WWI and during the Cold War and Vietnam War as well. Although the Espionage and Sedition Acts were deemed unconstitutional, the government still censors us today, especially after the 9/11 incident.

In order to gain a thorough image of the world, it is imperative to look for various news sources and viewpoints. Alternative news sources can offer critical viewpoints and insights, sometimes absent from mainstream news coverage. This is the case even if you don't support the antiwar effort.

     Our relationship with technology is complex and ever-changing, and evaluating how we interact with it regularly is essential. When it c...