Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Why We Don't Hear or See Anti-War

I'm sure everyone knows what it means when someone says they're antiwar. Have you heard news sources, websites, newspapers, or other media sources openly discussing the antiwar movement? Most people would answer that question with no, and a lucky few may say yes, but here are a few reasons why so few people ever see these topics discussed by more comprehensive news sources.

First, mainstream news organizations' diverse voices and opinions may be constrained by their corporate ownership, sponsors, and political goals. These elements could pressure people to avoid disagreeing views that threaten the status quo or significant interests.

Second, it's possible that news outlets' coverage of war and foreign policy concerns is not given priority. It might be difficult for tales concerning war and international affairs to get the attention they merit because of the constant stream of breaking news, dramatic stories, and celebrity rumors. This might be a factor in the media's lack of vocal opponents of the war.

Lastly, because they are not as well-known or promoted as mainstream news organizations, alternative news sources like Antiwar.com and The American Conservative may be viewed as esoteric. Their impact and reach may be constrained by a lack of funds, resources, and connections.

This wouldn't be the first time our government has censored anti-war voices. They've done so before with the Espionage and Sedition Acts during WWI and during the Cold War and Vietnam War as well. Although the Espionage and Sedition Acts were deemed unconstitutional, the government still censors us today, especially after the 9/11 incident.

In order to gain a thorough image of the world, it is imperative to look for various news sources and viewpoints. Alternative news sources can offer critical viewpoints and insights, sometimes absent from mainstream news coverage. This is the case even if you don't support the antiwar effort.

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