Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Supreme Court

The supreme court can be made from 5 to 10 justices, and they are one of the 3 branches of the United States government. One thing I didn’t know about the United States Supreme Court or Judicial branch is that it is the most substantial court in not only all of America but all of the world. This is because the Supreme Court can impeach the president, as seen with Andrew Jackson, Bill Clinton,  and Donald Trump. They can do this because of one of the former chief justices, John Marshall. 

In the court case Marbury v. Madison (1803), the fourth-ever chief justice, John Marshall, deemed the Supreme Court worthy of reviewing if the federal laws passed by congress were constitutional by due process.

Supreme Court cases can sometimes be viewed as their own laws, with examples such as Roe v. Wade, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Dred Scott v. Sanford. In each of these cases, many United States citizens were affected, with African American slave citizenship being denied in Dred Scott’s case and abortions no longer being provided by the federal government, and that was up to the state.

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