Monday, March 20, 2023

TedTalk React #1

 When I watched the two TedTalks from Andy Yen and Finn Mystrad, I was alarmed by how much of our private information is out there for tech companies. It baffles me that companies will go so far in breaching our privacy to buy and sell information and implement ads catered to our taste. 

This breach in privacy affects me in many ways. Since I am a student at High Point University, a lot of the information I get can be through email or received electronically. Some of those emails contain private billing information that I don’t want people to see. It also affects my family as my mom receives emails from my siblings schools about their behavior and grades. 

There are several ways to keep my family and my information safe though. One way being encryption. The only problem with encryption though is that the government can lawfully ask you for the key to your encryption and get your information anyway. I feel that the government should fix this problem by encrypting all data pertaining the privacy and allowing only the sender to have the key to it, this way the sender can send a message to the receiver without it being seen by other parties. 

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